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It's over ... (Check the pictures that have been taken during the school)


The Place
First Circular

The Euro Summer School on exotic beams is supported by the European commission, human potential program, high-level scientific conferences (HPCF-2001-00101-01).

The ninth "Euro Summer School on Exotic Beams" will be held in Les Houches, France and at CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) from September 12th till September 20th, 2002. The school is intended for Ph.D. students and young post-docs starting to work in the fields related to radioactive ion beams. It consists of a number of special lectures held at CERN followed by the main lectures given in Les Houches.

Main lectures (4 x 45 minutes)

W. Catford (Surrey, United Kingdom): Reaction studies with exotic nuclei
W. Kutschera (Vienna, Austria): Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
A. Poves (Madrid, Spain): The nuclear shell model
R. Neugart (Mainz, Germany): Lasers in nuclear physics
K. Hübner (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland): Accelerators: Physics and Technology
P. Van Duppen (Leuven, Belgium): Decay studies of exotic nuclei

Special topics

A. Blondel (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) Neutrino physics
R. Landua (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) Anti-matter
J. Gillies (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) The public awareness of science



Time is foreseen for students who are interested in giving a brief oral presentation of their scientific work (10+5 min). Another possibility is to present a poster.

Last updated: August 14, 2002 . Comments: Frank.Herfurth@cern.ch